Homeopathic Immunization
Homeopathic Detox
Soul Mapping
HTMA + Nutritional Balancing

Primordial Wounds

Some of our *dis-ease* comes from our own suppressed wounds & traumas, & some have been inherited thru our bloodlines or thru collective human experiences, either contemporary or historical.


These are called MIASMA,& this graph is how its manifested in your soul/energy body.


For example, fears & phobias can be ancestral miasms from unresolved ancestral traumas or wounds.


Likewise,sluggish thyroids indicate a history of famines & passed down inter-generationally from ancestors who’ve endured times of starvation. The thyroid learns to slows down metabolism to preserve energy when food resources are scarce.


Most of our miasma are particular to our bloodline or our psycho-social-cultural context.


However, some miasma are UNIVERSAL.


The 2 ORIGINAL miasms, traumas or soul disturbances that are universal to ALL living humans are:


#1 The 1st human trauma of receiving the human ego & thus the perceived separation from God Source.This is only curable by death & is why the Sufis urge us to “die before dying”.


#2 The Primodial Mother Wound,or the perceived fracture b/n mother nature & the human being.This miasm began in the collective human consciousness several generations ago,at the time of Western *Enlightenment* & Colonization & the Industrial Revolution.Prior to that,our ancestors held the awareness of the sacred & divine nature of all of creation & respected & worked in collaboration w/the laws & cycles of the earth.They had a deep knowing that the 1st primordial wound could be mediated & alleviated by honoring God Source thru honoring Mother Nature.It can be said that this is a PRIMORDIAL MOTHER WOUND that birthed the WOUNDED & TOXIC MASCULINE & FEMININE.


This 2nd wound has been compounded generation after generation as each subsequent era moved even further from connection w/our great mother.It’s only been exacerbated in the last 100 years, reaching an apex now w/the global tr⚠︎nshumanist agenda to merge the human being w/AI.


Unlike the 1st primordial wound however, the 2nd is not only CURABLE but is pleading w/ us to be healed now in this historical moment.


Soul Literacy Workshop: June 19

Learn to read Symptoms as Messages from the Soul.

📩DM for info.

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