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The Master/Slave Paradigm Has Been Cosmically Revoked

The master/slave paradigm, which is the fundamental operating system of colonialism & the founding principle of this colonizer nation, is also the primary paradigm or structure being dismantled by the cosmos right now. Both within us & without us.


We all play a specific role in the dismantling on the collective level but it really begins within us. The Sufi knows that external change is impossible without individual internal change, & purification of the heart. If the earth is to be purified of the master/slave paradigm, the collective as well as every unique heart & mind must be purified too. To decolonize the planet, we must decolonize our souls.


It was in my late teens when I found Sufism, after growing up in a local mosque that hid it from us. I found Sufism when I realized that chasing an earthly identity is a futile mission & that’s when I started searching for my soul’s identity. I wanted to know what of the Divine, not of human constructs, am I here to manifest? Over 20 years later & I’m still decolonizing my soul.


Decolonizing the soul is the process of dismantling the false master/slave paradigm within us by releasing the false master that is managing our soul. Because the only authentic & Holy Master/Slave Dynamic is between The Creator & It’s creations.


The Sufi must ask who are the masters of my soul? Who commands my thoughts, beliefs, responses, perceptions? Who is the slave within me & who am I enslaved to?


It was very difficult for me as a white passing “woke” POC to first see & then accept that i had internalized the perception & the programming of “white psychosis.” It’s actually by taking a deep look at the archetypes of Trump that I realized that by remaining in feelings of hate & fear of the white man, white people, colonizing forces, I remain in the dynamic & energy of master & slave– w/ myself playing the role of the victim. Ultimately it is the victim within all of us that will engage the master/slave dynamic & activate either our inner master or slave. Because it is the victim that perceives from a place of inferiority & powerlessness.


And for me that is the deepest kind of colonization– the colonization of my soul, my thoughts, my psyche, my beliefs. For me the greatest crime is colonization of my perception & of my soul. Whatever I hold in my psyche & my soul, I also hold in my body. I do not want to chronically hold the victim template anywhere in my multi-dimensional self & especially not in the core of my essence.


In Truth, I am a slave only to God. God is my only Master. In Islam the name of the human being in Heaven’s Speak is Abd Allah (masculine “slave of Allah”) & Amat Allah (feminine “slave of Allah”).


May we all be freed from the bondage of human slavery & submit in total obeidence to The One. May we all become fully human. Ameen.

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