Homeopathic Immunization
Homeopathic Detox
Soul Mapping
HTMA + Nutritional Balancing

True Knowing

It is impossible for the mind to understand the Ultimate Reality without the mind projecting separation. The mind perceives & exists through duality, & so will always perceive & imagine through projection.


It is only through inner non-mental awareness (dhuwq or tasting in Sufi lexicon) that God Source is recognizable. The Singularity is not conceivable with the mind.


True knowers do not make claims to knowing. They are comfortable with not understanding & with living in paradox.


Because God is Paradox.


[Loving reminder: be wary of anyone that tells you they have the truth & especially if they claim that the truth is an absolute– like the the medical industrial complex w/ its claims to cures & incurables. Nothing is absolute but God.]

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