Homeopathic Immunization
The goal of HP is to introduce into the human system the energetic components (nosodes) of particular diseases in order to stimulate the immune system to produce immunity. Homeopathic nosodes, such as the remedies included in the kit provided, are potentized preparations of the relative disease germ or human discharges produced in relationship to that particular germ. Upon repetition of the particular remedy it is understood that an aspect of susceptibility to that disease has been fulfilled. Some research has demonstrated that after completion of programs like this blood titers demonstrate antibody levels indicating immunity.
Homeoprophylaxis [HP]: Immune System Education for Infectious Diseases
So what happens when nosode is given?
When someone takes a nosode the person’s energetic body sees the energetic imprint or nano-dose of the disease and thinks it has contracted the disease. It then begins an immunological response in an attempt to eliminate the disease from the system. An immunological response often looks like a low or high fever and there may be some mild discharging from the person’s system. Often the discharges come from the organ of affinity of the disease of the nosode; for example, for whooping cough/pertussis, which is a disease of the lungs, there may be some mild discharging in the form of mucus in the lungs. Or in the case of diseases of the skin like measles and mumps, there may be a mild rash that erupts somewhere on the body with or without some discharging. But soon after the immunological response begins the systems realizes that there is actually nothing there and stops the immunological response. What has happened then, is the immune system has gained a learning of the disease or has been educated on how to respond to the disease should the person come in contact with it in its wild form (or through vaccine shedding). Thus, nosodes offer a learning of the disease without the suffering and if a person comes in contact with the actual disease the immune system will have a memory of the disease and know how to respond to it. Unlike conventional vaccine model that aim to eradicate disease from the face of the earth by suppressing the immune system through adjuvents and toxins designed to increase antibody production, the homeoprophylactic model views diseases as intelligent and highly adaptable organisms that are meant to build and strengthen the human immune system. Just like a muscle in the body, the immune system must be challenged in order to build strength. Homeoprophylaxis aims at harnessing the powers of diseases to educate and build up our immune systems not to prevent disease all together. Hence, when one takes a nosode the learning of the disease allows the person to appropriately respond to the disease, which may prevent the person from getting the disease at or the person may get it but in a mild form with no complications.
What is the evidence that homeopathic immunization works?
Homeopathy and homeoprophylaxis have been time tested for over 200 years and there are is a long list of human records, studies and trials demonstrating evidence of it’s efficacy. Yet, the largest and most impactful data came in “late 2007, when the Cuban government rapidly distributed a homeopathic nosode of four leptospirosis strains to 2.3 million people at high risk of infection from an annual leptospirosis epidemic. The remaining 8.8 million was untreated. Within weeks, the treated provinces had an 84% decrease in disease incidence while the numbers of those infected in untreated provinces continued at expected historical levels. The intervention was “strongly associated with a drastic reduction of disease incidence resulting in complete control of the epidemic.” The protective effect continued into 2008 with an 84% reduction in leptospirosis cases for the treated areas though no further prophylactic was given. Leptospirosis infections in untreated areas increased by 22%.”[1],[2]
Who can homeopathic immunization be used for?
HP and homeopathy in general can be used and is safe for any living being, plant, animal or human. J However, because there are certain diseases that are riskier for children and especially infants under the age of 1 years old we have a recommended nosode kit with 8 diseases in them and recommend to start at the age of one month old. It is also recommended for the elderly and immune compromised. And there are travel HP kits and pet HP kits available. HP is suitable for children, adults and elderly people who have never been vaccinated or have been partially or fully vaccinated.
How can I find out more about homeopathic immunization aka Homeoprophlyaxis (HP)?
Rena is a practicing homeopath and a homeoprophylaxis supervisor for Free and Healthy Children International. Rena takes clients for HP from around the world, you do not need to be nearby to sign up! For more information, to sign up for homeoprophylaxis or to inquire about vaccine medical exemptions for the state of California please contact Rena at doulahomeopath at gmail dot com. Please also feel free to visit Program Overview at Free and Healthy Children International for more detailed information or find a supervisor near you.
[1] (Taken from: http://www.homeopathycenter.org/news/homeoprophylaxis-human-records-studies-and-trials)
[2] Please visit for evaluation of the date from Cuba: http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/2156587214525402
What is Homeopathic Immunizations or Homeoprophylaxis?
Homeoprophylaxis is a system of educating the immune system through the administration of nosodes. Nosodes begin as disease agents or microbes or pathogens in the form of a virus or bacteria of a particular disease and go through a process of homeopathic potentization or ultra-dilutions whereby the energy of the disease is extracted and there are no more molecules of the original substance left.
FAQ's About HP

Unlike conventional vaccines that not only have minute material doses of a disease but also have adjuvants and additives to increase antibody production, nosodes are pure energy or energetic imprints of diseases with no material doses in it. Another way of understanding the concept of energetic imprints in homeopathic medicines is through the Nobel Peace Prize Scientist Luc Montaigner who discovered electromagnetic signals in the form of nano-particles in homeopathic ultra-dilutions. Or in other words, nosodes offer nano-doses of diseased agents to educate the immune system on a particular disease.